Tuesday, 10 May 2011

t0day is my bufdAy ! !

salam sume..hrnie bday ak..ak hepy tak ?? erm..oke la..tengs t0 sume kwn2 yg wish bday to..ak hrgai sgt..yg ak x sgka ad org 'tu' wish bday ak..nkal2..haha..then time ak bce sume wall post ak kt fb..fuhh..nkal doe  ! !mcm2 ragam..BTW tengs la sgt2!..ak xrse sgt bday ak coz ak demam !waa..oke je..haha..
TapI ad s2 hdiah hebat ak dpt..hrnie jugakk ak dpt great gift!! ape erk..erm...trekkkkkk!!!
ak dpt ank buah baru ! :) emang hepy la..dyer lahir sme bday ngn ak.fuhh..unbelieve !!..ape nme nk kasi erk (lebih2 plak kn) xpe..haha..tp xjmpe ag dyer tuhh..lom blik dr hospital..agk2 cute cm cek su dyer takk(pasan lbih)..huhue..oke la d hal jp....tadaa ! !

hahaha..sje je nie..peace !! kn best g snie..tenang tuhh.. :)

Friday, 6 May 2011

bIntAnG hAtikU . . .

oh..bintang ! ! !
tgok kamu mmg cntik..tp nk gapai ssah sgt..apetah lg pegang..
knapela kamu jauh dsna ?? dekat la snie..ak nk sgt tgok kamu dkt2..
tiap2 mlm ak ske sgt tgok kamu sblom tdow..
kamu slalu tman ak tido kn kn..
tp ble time hujan je..mesti kamu xde..ak sedeyh sgt ble kamu xde..
kamu pegi mne ??jgn la tggl ak sorg2..ak dh xde spe lg..
kamu slalu tman ak mlm2..dgar luahan hati ak..
tp..pesal hujan kamu pegi ??
kamu dh xnk kwn dgn ak ye??
xpe..tp ak nk jugakk ! !
BintAng . . .
kamu sme sprti hrapn ak..ble ak nk sgt..tp ssah nk dpt..
ermm..tp xpela..cme ak hrap kamu slalu ad tman ak tiap mlm ye..
syggg kam0oo...

                                              ...........  I l0vE y0u     ......

p/s : : :  kelip2 kamu ya..

Thursday, 5 May 2011

whAt is thE l0ve ? ? ?

love is like a flower..
give it some time,patience n lots of tender loving care..
n watch it bloom into something wonderful before ur eyes..

love is like river..
never ending as it flows but get greater wif time..

love is everything that make u smile..
everything that brings u up when u're down..
u truly love someone when u can feel every joy..sadness n pain..

love is like a wind..
u can't c it..but u can feel it..
where there is love there is life..

love can't be explained,taught, or learned..
love does not encounter selfishness..it is a purity of kindness,care,concern,devotion..
love make u appreciate more in ur life..
 u do not realize what u have till it begins to shive..
after u see the glow..u can neverlive without it..

love is like a love story without an ending..
love is not beauty..not talent..love is YOU ! ! !

p/s : tetibe je nk brpuisi..bce jela erk..!